Is CBD legal in Slovakia? | CBD Slovakia
12 Jan 2021

Sale of CBD in Slovakia - From 1.5. is CBD (Cannabidiol, cannabidiol) removed from the list of psychotropic substances
According to the approved amendment to the law dated 17/12/2020 from the workshop of the Ministry of Health on narcotic substances, psychotropic substances and preparations, from 1/5/2021 CBD is removed from the list of psychotropic substances, its possession or sale is not controlled.

The Slovak Republic, as the last country of the European Union, had Cannabidiol included in the list of psychotropic substances, despite the fact that it is not listed as psychotropic in the UN conventions.
Manufacturers can legally use the substance for the production of cosmetics and for further processing.
Manufacturers can legally use the substance for the production of cosmetics and for further processing.
Some European manufacturers of nutritional supplements containing CBD, however, market products that contain less than 0.2% THC, but it can be said that they are breaking the law and can lead customers to drug addiction , for the simple reason that nutritional supplements must not contain any (0.00%, or below the detectable limit) psychotropic substance which is THC . Therefore, the products must not contain any THC, the 0.2% limit is intended only for hemp growers, not for the final product. Customers should pay attention to this and check the composition of the product so that they do not get into unnecessary tangles with the law.
Bratislava, March 31 (TASR) - Cannabidiol (CBD) will be removed from the list of psychotropic substances. This follows from the amendment to the Act on narcotic substances, psychotropic substances and preparations, which was signed by the President of the SR Zuzana Čaputová on Wednesday. TASR was informed about this by its spokesman Martin Strižinec.
The proposal was submitted by the Ministry of Health. It explained its intention by saying that this psychotropic substance is not listed in UN conventions and the Slovak Republic is the only member state of the European Union that considers it a psychotropic substance.
At the same time, the list will be expanded by two narcotic substances of the first group, seven psychotropic substances of the first group and two psychotropic substances of the third group, based on the decision taken at the 63rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Substances of the United Nations Office on Narcotic Drugs and Crime. These are substances crotonylfentanyl, valerylfentanyl, synthetic cannabinoid AB-FUBINACA, alpha-pyrrolidinehexanone, hallucinogenic substance DOC, N-ethylhexedrone, known as Henrik, Hexen, HEX and similar, MDPHP, also known as monkey fog or firewall, further for example etizolam or flualprazolam and others.
The aim of the legislative change is also to expand the control mechanisms required by UN international conventions and to harmonize the law with the law of the European Union (EU).
The Department of Health assumes that the removal of CBD from the group of psychotropic substances will have a positive impact on the business environment in the cosmetics industry, in which there may be a secondary increase in employment, since this substance is used in the given industry, and products containing it will not be classified as controlled substances , thus simplifying their marketing, production, distribution and sale. [1]

[1] TASR,